
… a small selection of projects and customers we have worked with in the past. We are proud to be able to offer our customers excellent services and solutions and are pleased that we have been able to make a positive contribution to their success.

referenz africanfeeling
African Feeling
Individual travel through South Africa
referenz aktive lebenshilfe mit hunden
Aktive Lebenshilfe mit Hunden
Association for the training of assistance dogs
referenz alternative barf
Alternative Barf
Health & nutritional advice for dogs
referenz american bowl berlin.de
American Bowl Berlin & Play Off
Bowling and American Diner
referenz angelas partyservice
Catering & party service
referenz arndt medienzentrum
Arndt Medienzentrum
Media & advertising agency
referenz arztpraxis eule
Arztpraxis Eule
doctor’s office
referenz austria berlin
Austria Berlin
Austrian restaurant
referenz ballbini ballschule
Ballbini Ballschule
Sports & games for children aged 3 to 6 years
referenz beauty lounge
Beauty Lounge Oranienburg
Beauty lounge
referenz bethelnet
Nursing and hospital facilities
referenz bethelnet jobs
Bethelnet Job Portal
Hospital job portal
referenz bsv chemie weissensee
BSV - Chemie Weissensee
Sports club
referenz berlin butterfly
Butterfly Store Berlin
Table tennis equipment and training
referenz berlin butterfly reservierung
Butterfly Store Training
Booking system for training times
referenz corona impfkarte
Covid Impfkarte
Covid vaccination card
referenz crazy ping pong
Crazy Ping Pong
Extraordinary table tennis concepts Innovative materials
referenz csr autosport
CSR Autosport
Automotive workshop for all brands of cars
referenz das loft
Das Loft
Event location
referenz dautas
Gates – drives – barriers
referenz der gute hund
Der Gute Hund
Mobile dog school
referenz einsenbahnfahrsimulatoren
Development and construction of railway simulators
referenz familien sportverein oberhavel
Familiensportverein Oberhavel
Diverse offers for sport and exercise
referenz fellaws
Specialist lawyers for labor law
referenz fms mieten
Fieberbrunn Master Suite
Luxury apartments
referenz feine limousinen
Fine Limousinen
Rental of luxury limousines
referenz firmament bestattungen
Firmament Bestattungen
referenz hausdergehzeiten
Haus der Ge(h)zeiten
Yoga – Mentoring – Personal Training
referenz hit house berlin
Hit House
Presenter & disc jockey in tails
referenz hotel grüner baum
Hotel Grüner Baum
Your idyllic family hotel
referenz icerink nord
ICE Rink Germany
Rental – sale – design of ice rinks and ice surfaces
referenz jagdhaus spandau
Jagdhaus Spandau
Restaurant and event location
referenz jd clean
JD Clean
Certified cleaners
referenz kindersport trainer
Training to become a children’s sports coach
referenz kreatives freizeit zentrum
Kreatives Freizeit Zentrum
day nursery
referenz kultur laender
Kultur und Länder
Europe-wide bus trips
rezerenz leon action team
Leon Actionteam
Equipment for film and television productions
referenz leprom berlin
LeProm Berlin
Entertainment, fun and much more.
referenz letter shop werbung
Letter Shop Werbung
Advertising material for the perfect presentation
referenz m und g hausverwaltung
M&G Hausverwaltung
Property management for private and commercial
referenz mcpitt
MC Pitt
Scottish-Irish music and dance show
referenz michaelfunk
Michael Funk
Systemic advice and training
referenz mpire hotel
boutique hotel in the south of Berlin
referenz mpu berlin beratung
MPU Beratung Peglow
Advice for medical-psychological examinations
referenz natural flow goga
Natural Flow Yoga
Yoga with yoga teacher Inga Bolien
referenz neff hammelbach
Neff Hammelbach
Hotel, inn, bakery
referenz newsun sonnenstudio
NewSun Sonnenstudio
Tanning salon
referenz physiotherapie rheineck
Physiotherapie Rheineck
modern physiotherapy practice
referenz pinnys fun bowling
Pinnys Fun & Bowling
Bowling, food, drinks
referenz ramonas haustierservise
Ramonas Haustierservice
Pet service for small animals
referenz recht smart
Recht Smart
Law firm for labor and social law
referenz ra archour
Rechtsanwälte Achour & Partner
The modern Berlin law firm
referenz riegel events
Riegel Events
Full service event agency
referenz schrott berlin
Schrott Berlin
Scrap trading and scrap metal trading
referenz seepavillon tegeler see
SeePavillon am Tegeler See
Event location at Lake Tegel
referenz senger alarmsysteme
Senger – Alarmsysteme
No chance for burglars
referenz susan valeria hempe yoga
Susan Valeria Hempe Yoga
Yoga – meditation – being conscious
referenz tischtennisinstitut
Tischtennisinstitut Thomas Dick
referenz tt training berlin
TT-Training Berlin
Professional and individual training
referenz zahnarztpraxis johannisthal
Zahnärztin Anja Bendiks
A family-run, modern dental practice


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